Saturday, 18 April 2015

this is WHY prague bartenders will not sell you weed anymore

I was recently contacted by a reader of the blog who used to be a barman here in Prague. Its a popular tourist myth that you can just pick up from a bartender here which is rehashed by clueless journalists who are not in the know, but in fact, its not like that in reality.

And why? Well read this story from X, an Italian who was bartending here.

Hey Jade, i love your blog and like u show information to the peoples. i had some problem lately and polce was threatening me a lot ..lately so people should know it. before i was wrking for a club, and the manager was selling me to police, coz ..u already know how is working here, and barman watched all time. They...following me continuosly before..not now..but i m not a dealer, only a ganja lover for a periods..coz i was working for clubs..they following me persecution without finding nothing..coz i have not
first time..they come to pick up me in a restourant...second time when i was relaxing/drinking in chapeao rouge i make public m everywere but i know really were every rules..believe me. but they..i means everybody..first kind..and the first time i was in carcer one night. they r two twins..maybe u know them...

the police man ..the same one of the twin..threatening me to send me direcly in Italy back..i was speacking with my lowyer..she sayd..out of ..corruption..u know better than me and he said me..: next time i find u with some any drugs..u ..finished!!! they was no kind with me, still i have sign in my hands from february becouse of the handcuffs..bringed me in Visherad carcer like at 140 km/ i m a terrorist they..completely fuckt up..i know.... 

As you
 can see from the protokol below, X knows what he is talking about. With bartending being the most popular expat job next to teaching, Your local barman knowing the police are watching him and threats of deportation over his head, means he is NOT going to be overly interested in selling weed to a stranger.....


Friday, 10 April 2015

prague drug turf war? dealers go head to head in virtual space for customers in prague

prague drug turf war? dealers go head to head in virtual space for customers in prague 

seems people have been busy in my absence.

In the last few months several sites have popped up offering advice and weed in Prague. So I took to wondering is it wham, bam, thank you ma'am good weed being offered at good prices? Or shady backstreet deals?

So I google searched our favourite expression 'weed in prague' which yielded the following results;

POSITION1: We be high .org 'weed in prague' page. I actually know the guys at webehigh, and I know they had the best intentions but obviously they are a commercial operation and more about getting comissions on the green, than caring about the community. So....sadly they sold out and took a cut from 'pragueconnection' who pops up in a variety of places......however they still use my article I gave to them for their information source, but no longer credit me with the article as I could not run the scheme of charge the tourists a load of money, in exchange give them a cut, as they wanted.

So I guess that Webehigh is one of the fresh faces of the Prague Edealing scene.

Good or bad thing? Bad, IMO. They have done a deal with someone they never met, for the sole reason of profit, and not customer satisfaction or safety for the customer. Hopefully one day they come back to the community love principle and leave the fast buck back with the africans in the square.....

POSITION2: Prague Life 'weed in prague' page. Another interesting page, the owner of the site contacted me some time ago and asked if I would 'buy the right' to be the only email address in his comments section for people to go to, in exchange for 200 euros a month. I did some digging and the site is run by a pair of brothers, Anthony Bradshaw and Mark Bradshaw, Anthony living in krakow and running an online magazine called 'lifeboat limited' and his brother from his flat in London. Neither are actually in prague, or ever came here. But they were willing to do a deal with anyone who would 'rent' a place on their page for 200 euros a month.

So I guess 'prague life' decided to step into the scene also, albeit uninvited. Is it a good thig? Hell no. Whilst webehigh have kinda sold out, still at least they know what they are getting into. This guy Anthony is just a clueless chump from England who would happily rent his space to someone who would stab your mother as long as he has 200 euros of drinking money to impress polish girls in warsaw with......

POSITION3: Trip advisor of all people, have a post on there, but it ois quite old and does not encourage or condone any dealing activity.

POSITION 4: The weed blog. A semi ambiguous blog page on prague full of outdated information and pointing people towards the more risky ways of picking up in prague, the site does not openly seem to want to try and deal in prague but still is pointing people in a lot of dangerous directions. Hopefully they will update their page sometime.

Position 5: Prague-pot blog. A new start up who is in contact with our group and mostly about activism, and their enthusiasm is only spoiled by their poor advice on the scene IE telling people they should go the black man in the square route for drugs kills a lot of respect for the blog. They do not directly sell though, and are at least actually here in the city and not just some outside trying to rape the scene from a keyboard.

So there you have it thats my roundup of the current E dealing google trends.

My advice?

Just join our group and ask a local.

We dont bite and 600 members cant be wrong, and we have meetings that are more about people to people connection that about fucking someone over for a fast 100-200 crown profit.

Try to enjoy your experience of prague and get weed, make friends, and be happy. Jah.


Monday, 6 April 2015

So i finally decided to try my hand at baking, since some friends requested edibles. I fucked up the first batch, but the second batch worked well. And it was actually piss easy.


2 bars of Schoggetten cheap ass chocolate (20ck a bar) which comes already in little squares

165g of butter
225g of white sugar, lidl doesn't have fucking brown sugar.
85g of flour, plain white.
5 grams of hash
2 grams of weed
3 eggs


First I took the hash and weed and boiled it in a double boiler, in the butter, for 3 hours., or one lor of the rings movie, whichever you choose. then I strained it out through a cheesecloth and set it in the fridge overnight.

Once I had my weed butter, I melted it again in the double boiler and added 50g of the chocolate. Make sure it is plain dark stuff. I like that type because its already in chunks and Im a lazy ass.

with the butter and chocolate melting, I borrowed my neighbours beater, and put the sugar and eggs together in a bowl and beat them till smoke was coming out the motor. Who gives a fuck, its not mine, and if they bitch I say here have a brownie. Job done.

so then I took a spatula and poured the chocobutter into the eggsugar mix. I moved the spatula in a figure of 8 motion and stirred continuously until it thickened up a bit. Then I tapped the flour in doing the same.

Pan: I greased up a baking pan and then put foil on it. I then greased the foil too. then I poured the mix in, and thew the remnants of the chocolate in for good measure.

I have a ghetto-ass gas oven with no markings on it, so I set it somewhere between furnace and gentle hiss.  Once I did this I threw them in for 25 min.

Now, one thing I noticed is that if you take the pan out and shake it a bit and the brownies wobble in the middle they are not ready. Give it a little more time.

I also tried a trick I learned and put the pan directly into cold water when I finished. It actually did make a nice texture difference.

And I put the greased up foil, which came out of the tray really easy, into the freezer for a bit. then when soild, peeled the brownies off.

I then ate them and had a major fucking buzz and went to bed.


Sunday, 5 April 2015

I wonder if these guys will actually get any jail time for the 17 plants the police seized from them.

Ostrava, North Moravia, April 5 (ČTK) -- A Czech married couple was growing some 20 plants of cannabis in a special box, but the wife told the intervening police these were orchids, regional police spokeswoman Gabriela Holčaková told the Czech News Agency.

The couple then produced marijuana from the plants.

The policie seized 17 plants, Holcakova said.

If convicted, the couple may be sentenced up to five years in prison, Holčaková said.

The police uncovered the mini-lab by chance, she added.

The man faced some health problems, behaving aggressively. He destroyed the furniture in the flat.

What does that say to me?
Number 0- dont have a crazy mental boyfriend if you are growing dope.
Number 1- dont call the police on your crazy boyfriend if you are growing dope.
Number 2- Stick to the 5 plant limit. there were 2 of them so 10 plants would have been fine. Dont be greedy.

I expect there is more to this story than published- it will be interesting to see if there is an actual conviction. Sure the papers can say 'could be sentenced to 5 years' but thats like saying someone 'could' be sentenced to 10,000kc fine for jaywalking- every heard of that happening?

Lets see what happens.

Read more:

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Bye bye snow! Another season starts in prague....

Having been battling cancer since Christmas 2014 it seems I was finally given the all clear by the Doc just before Easter and will be returning to Prague to pick up my mantle of queen of green, admin of the czechsmokers facebook site and generally trying to pick up life where I left off.

I will over the comming weeks check with my 'peeps that all is well in the world of Prague and kush, but I have to say by the sounds of it all is the same in Ptown.

So see you on the other side!